Art Paardekooper

Founder, Consultant

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My name is Art Paardekooper and back in 2020 I founded  i m p a c t w o r x


My aim is to put my experience and expertise towards  (social) purpose. For me this means helping organizations maximize their social impact and achieve sustainable growth.


Prior to starting  i m p a c t w o r x  my career covered a wide range of roles within corporate and SME environments, working out of Europe and Asia with global scope.
With roles going widely across organizational functions from Strategic Sourcing to Sales Management and from Managing Strategic Projects to Logistics, I have gained deep knowledge of organizational functioning, strategic planning, negotiation and developing partnerships, and most of all achieving positive result.


i m p a c t w o r x  is connected with like-minded freelance experts to complement expertise where needed.


I look forward to also support your organization in its mission to maximize impact!

↓ Long term Affiliations


A Nepal-based social business  focused on empowering students to develop their abilities into successful career pathways through Skilling, Reskilling and Upskilling.

Skill Lab Asia – Improving Employability Outcomes

Green Bamboo Cambodia

A Cambodia-based social enterprise founded by Caroline Chau, developing the potential of bamboo and building with bamboo through an integrated value chain.

Home Page (bamboo-cambodia.com)

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